
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Motivate Yourself

Only you know what will truly motivate you. What I find helpful may not have any benefit to you. Don't be afraid to try new things.
I believe that personal growth should be its own motivation. I love to learn new things. Reading books such as Robert Allen's One Minute Millionaire or Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad series help you to see success from a different, and hopefully an attainable perspective.
Educating yourself is not only a first step, but it should be an integral part of the ongoing journey of life.
It's easy to let what you learn fall from your priorities when dealing with the daily grind. I find it helpful to post motivational quotes in my bedroom. They help me remember what my goals are, even when I'm faced with the laundry, homeschooling the kids, and so forth. Not that those daily activities should ever be neglected! Hopefully, part of the motivation for your goal is to free up time to spend with your family and friends. Life is a balancing act, and someone keeps changing the weights! Keep your eyes on your goal, while enjoying your life where you are right now. Being content and being goal-oriented are not necessarily contradictory.

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